When can I give peppermint tea?

Admittedly not the most frequently asked question in my clinics! But something other than water / water is boring is.   We are always saying…

Bamboo foraging 

Bedore bed last night we went foraging for bamboos to steak the tomatoes. Yes this job is well over due and I imagine Monty Don…

Sunshine in the veggie patch

Beautiful yellow courgette flowers. I can’t decide whether to eat them or wait for the yummy courgettes behind them! Courgettes are so versatile. Great sliced,…

Early (?) hedgerow snacks

Are blackberries out earlier than usual this year? This is a pic from last weekend i.e. July… #blackberries #hedgerow #snack #early #seasonal #doubleyummy #dietitian #localfood…

Pimms o’clock!

One for the mums and dads 😍 good use of the lolly mounds! #pimms #pimmsoclock #notforchildren #doubleyummy #everythinginmoderation #bankholiday #summer #lovecornwall #cornishlife #cornwall #icelollies

Pretty muddy induction!

Pretty Muddy 5k in the rain this morning. Really proud of our team for raising over £1500 and counting for cancer research. Looking forward to…

I won..! Thank you x

“I am honoured and thrilled to have won this award (Paediatric Nutrition Professional of the Year 2017). I am lucky enough to work with a…

Surf and turf 😂

The girls (almost 2yrs) are so into playing with their kitchen and food.  This is what I was served evening! Meanwhile her sister got me…

Gratefully receiving my award for Paediatric Nutrition Professional of the Year 2017 at Chandos House. A really lovely day meeting some amazing people. Thank you…

Twixmas leftovers

What have you been doing to use up your leftovers? Today we’ve had quesadillas, gherkins, low salt and sugar beans and toasted pittas jam packed…

The perfect airway blocker….

The perfect airway blocker…. if the grape (food eg small fruit or vegetable such as cherry tomatoes, or slice of sausage) is in anyway circular…

Potato love

Love is in the air! Hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day. This potato reminded me of the unwarranted bad press that the poor…