Flashback to 3 years ago to celebrate #worldbreastfeedingweek 1-7th August.
I found breastfeeding such a privilege. Before having my twins I feel that the struggle of initiating breastfeeding & the challenges of the first few weeks just weren’t talked about. I find this experience is shared by the majority of first time mums rather than the minority, to a greater or lesser degree.
Now I talk to lots of people about it quite matter of fact. It was hard to start with but it got easier & after a few months we were totally in the swing of it (still exhausted but in the swing of it) & when we came to stop at 14 months I felt really emotional.
When they hurt themselves now my gut reaction is the feeling to comfort them through feeding (we’re a long way off being able to do that now🤣)
The most natural thing in the world but still important to recognise that it doesn’t come naturally for many for so many differentl reasons & I believe that if we have more honest conversations about breastfeeding then as a first time mum you can manage your expectations rather than feeling like a failure because it’s not happening easily.
#breastfeeding #challenges #natural #paediatricdietitian #mumoftwins #twins