Ready steady stir fry! The girls absolutely love prawns. They were a ‘learning it’ food for me for a long time so it’s something I’m keen for them to like from an early age. In fact it’s only since they’ve been so into them (definitely a ‘love it’ food for them both) that I’ve started to like the little prawns. Try to embrace new things with your children. We’re always telling our children that they should try new things and I believe the best way to encourage is by showing the way.
Our stir fry here includes rainbow chard (stalks and leaves separated), spring onions, grated carrots, grated green courgette, sliced yellow courgette and lots of garlic and chopped ginger.
#stirfry #loveitlikeitlearningit #tryit #rolemodel #prawns #paediatricdietitian #dietitian #nutritionexpert #nutritionist #babyfood #familyfood #toddlerfood #doubleyummy