Pick up some veggie plants and get your children to help plant and look after them. You don’t need to have lots of space. Cherry tomatoes as a windowsill plant, strawberries in a pot or courgette in a grow bag all work well for small spaces. Maybe even start smaller than that and do cress by the kitchen sink!
Things that can be picked and eaten straight away are ideal, like fresh peas, carrots, radishes, salad leaves and of course berry bushes.
This year I’m trying again with raspberries and I’ve invested in an older plant with the hope of not killing it so easily!
Maybe it’s time to plant these courgette plants out..?! Just reluctant too as all of the plants that have gone out so far have been eaten by the slugs… any top tips for anti-slug techniques welcome.
The girls are looking forward to harvesting again this year. I had wondered if last year (they were only 1) was more for me than them when I started it but as asked each morning to go up to the veg patch I knew that they were loving it too.
Amazingly this year they seem to remember last year’s harvest and keep asking to check the fruit bushes etc.
#growyourown #homegrown #moreflavour #timenotwasted #rolemodel #fussyeater #kidsfood #nomoreslugs #dietitiansweek #dietitiansdoprevention