Aunty Jen’s multi mash croquettes


Picture is the portion for my 11 month old neice. 


Leftover potato and sweet potato mash (you could use any combination of root vegetables)

An egg, beaten

A handful of chopped onions (we used frozen ones; you could use spring onions for variation or if you’ve got those to use up)

A large handful of crushed cornflakes 

Oil for cooking

Variations: add some flaked fish eg tuna or salmon or some chopped ham. 

Heat the oil in a baking tray in an oven of 200’C. 

Mix the mash with the egg and onions (& fish / ham if using)

Make into little croquette shapes and then dip them into the crushed cornflakes. 

Our little ones loved crushing cornflakes in ziplock bag first so bit of sensory play as we cook…win win!

Serve with a variety of vegetables and, if no fish or meat in the croquettes, some beans (low sugar & salt, no sauce beans or homemade) or well chopped meat or flaked fish. 

Top tip: Heat the oil in tray in the oven before adding the croquettes. This will help them to hold their shape. If you put in cold oil they may splay out and brake apart. 

Getting stuck in – Yummy! I think these pictures say it all 😍

#babyfood #toddlerfood #leftovers #wastenotwantnot #balancedeating #dietitian #familymeal #sensoryplay