Showing appreciation & the DeChox


Thank you! DoubleYummy now has 250 followers on Instagram 😀 

How do you show your appreciation? These beautiful flowers make me smile every time I come into the room. No downside to a gift like this. 

I often get asked for weight management tips. Doing something simple like showing appreciation and spreading joy through sharing or giving flowers or fruit rather than chocolates and cakes could be the small change that makes that a big difference. 

Today being part of the BHFs DeChox for March helped me to resist a very yumcious looking chocolate cake and choccie bars that had been brought into the office. At home I’ve made sure chocolate is less accessible, but you’ve got less control when you’re out of your own environment. 

Temptation is everywhere..! 

How do you show your appreciation? Can you support your friends and colleagues to make healthier choices? 
#dechox17 #bhf #doubleyummy #dietitian #registereddietitian #flowers #daffodils #gift #thankyou #chocolate #temptation #support #weightmanagement #tips #momlife #mumlife #workingmum