Orange fish pie..?!


What’s for tea tonight..? 

Orange fish pie! No actual oranges in here though. B is so into orange food that tonight is a treat for her 😂 a mix mash of sweet potatoes & potatoes and a layer of squash on top of a fish mix and burtolli beans in a parsley sauce. 
Showing a preference for a certain colour of food is usually just a phase so try not to worry too much. Keep offering variety and get creative about what and how you serve foods. 
One little boy that I saw about 9 years ago sticks in my mind. He only liked pink foods and drinks. This meant that he was eating a lot of sweet foods and was severely anaemic. He was withdrawn and would sit inside at playtime because he was too tired to go outside. 
I worked with the family to expand and rebalance his diet creatively using things like tomato purée to make recipes for a wide range of pink dishes. 
After several sessions I hardly recognised the bouncy chatty little boy that came back to clinic. He was full of energy and no longer anaemic. I felt so proud of him and his family. They had really taken on board the plans that we developed together and brought them to life. 
Going back to tonight’s tea I love it when I manage to gets lots of veggies into a onepot meal. A meal like this can be prepared in advance and bunged into the oven without any effort for 45 minutes just before you need it. 

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