Boost your iron absorption by up to 50%…


Iron deficiency is the leading nutritional deficiency worldwide. In the U.K. 8% of women and 3% of men are thought to have iron deficiency anaemia which is when your iron stores are clinically low and can be the cause of many symptoms including tiredness, dizziness, brittle or grooved nails, hair loss and irritability. You don’t have to be clinically anaemic to experience these symptoms either. 
Is it the case that you just need to eat more iron..? Well did you know that Vitamin C can help the body to absorb iron? It can actually increase absorption by up to 50%! 
So by eating a balanced meal with some fruit and / or veggies rich in Vitamin C alongside iron containing foods is best rather than just upping your iron intake alone. 
The tannins in tea can have the opposite effect reducing iron absorption, so it’s best to keep tea drinking to away from mealtimes to help reduce the risk of iron deficiency anaemia. 
Strawberries are a great source of Vitamin C. 
Im happy to say we beat the birds to our first strawberries this evening. Thank you sunshine ☀️ 

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