A baby friendly & healthy twist on moussaka


This pic is mid way through the making of tonight’s fruity moussaka. It’s less faff (fewer steps and fewer pots and pans to wash up!) than the traditional dish & with some extra flavours so that you don’t miss the salt so great for a family meal with young children or if you’re just trying to watch your salt intake.
To achieve this so far in the pan is 1 large diced onion (I used frozen) softened then add 500g lean (local) lamb mince (cook until browned), then add 2 cloves of chopped garlic (I used frozen again!) with 1tsp mixed spice, 1 tbsp mixed herbs, 1 can chickpeas, 1 diced aubergine, chopped dried fruit (eg 4 or 5 each of apricots and prunes) & 500g passata. Allow it all to gently simmer.
Meanwhile slice about 4 medium potatoes & boil until just cooked. The next step is to layer the mix with the potatoes (I’d suggest meat mix, potato, meat mix, potato and then cover with 250-300ml creme fraiche and a generous handful of grated cheese (use a lower salt cheese, or omit, if you’re really watching your salt intake carefully). 

Cook at 200’C fan for about 10 mins in a preheated oven, or until cheese is golden. Serve with some green veg like broccoli (great finger food for wee ones). 
The chickpeas help to up the fibre and protein content without upping the fat content of the dish.
#familymeal #babyfoodideas #toddlerfood #lowsalt #doubleyummy #weaning #healthymeals #moussaka 

Post meal update:

As the girls are only 8 months old I mashed the mince and chickpeas a bit to make it easier for them & served it with some mango and Greek yoghurt 😀 Went down a storm 💖💖