The bowl / crockery that you use can have a big impact on how much you (and your children) eat.
We do a lot of our ‘eating’ with our eyes. I think they say it’s about 50% down to eat we see eg ford it look appealing?, does it look enough? does it look like we’ve eaten enough?
The answer is that they all gave the same amount in. The 40g ‘recommended’ serving.
So if you’re eating with one of the bigger bowls (the biggest one is typical of modern crockery) then think about your ‘actual’ portion when you look at the nutrition panel rather than the ‘suggested’ serving..!
#portioncontrol #portion #serving #servingsize #cereal #bowl #portiondistortion #nutrition #dietitian #registereddietitian #paediatricdietitian #nutritionexpert #nutritionist #babyfood #toddlerfood #familyfood #health #balance