Sunday Roast Lamb


I love sitting around the table catching up with the extended family over dinner. The girls enjoy the relaxed nature of these meals and often seem to eat better.

Thank you Uncle Stu for cooking such a yummy tea. Roasted lamb, roasted parsnips & potatoes with steamed broccoli and carrots.

To serve we had a little quick mint sauce (chopped mint with vinegar) on the lamb. Another favourite accompaniment is one of my apple and herb (sage, rosemary or mint) jellies. We also had mashed turnip (swede for those north of the Tamar) but I was in too much of a hurry to start feeding the girls to wait for it for the photo 😋

I cut the meat across the grain to make it easier for the girls to eat.

This was followed by a satsuma each for the girls and a slice of Granny’s Rockie Road for the grown ups!

A roast doesn’t need to be an unhealthy meal, in fact quite the opposite as it’s a great chance to have a little ad of yummy veggies.

To keep it healthier try to have cheese and creamy sauces with your veggies less often, spray or sparsely drizzle the oil on your roasties and steam your veggies to minimise their nutrients being leached out.

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