I thought it’d be useful to share a recipe that is good for lots of you / your little people who are having to follow a free from milk / soya / egg / nut / gluten / wheat / fish free diet (sorry if your allergen us pulses!). It can be so hard ensuring that you have / give a balanced diet when on a food restriction. I’m planning to go back through my previous blogs to tag with the appropriate free from labels so that you can search for things we’ve done along the way. Hope that’s useful 😘
1-2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 can black eye beans
1/2 squash
2-3 medium potatoes
2-3 carrots
Optional: Finely diced cooked (as easier to chop small) bacon and / or chorizo (we had a mix of the two with 3 inches chorizo & 1 piece of bacon)
If not using bacon or chorizo maybe add in some paprika or mixed herbs.
1 ripe avocado
Optional: A squeeze of lemon (I forgot this today & it was still very tasty)
Dice the squash, potato & carrot into small chunks.
Boil the potatoes and carrots & steam the squash above them.
Meanwhile cook the chorizo (if using) in the oil.
Add the beans, squash, potatoes, carrots & any herbs / spices you’re using.
Stir ensuring everything gets a good mix until the potato starts to break down a little.
Serve with mashed or chunks (so the girls can pick it up) of avocado.
Add pepper to taste and squeeze on the lemon if you’ve got some handy.
My hubby loves having a little cheese to top things so I’ve sprinkled some feta on his (making his no longer milk free).
The girls had some Greek yoghurt (not milk free!) and then we all had some juice watermelon 😍🍉
Thinking about it… If you are using a lemon put some zest in when you put the squash into the frying pan – that’d be extra tasty! Yummy yummy! Definitely doing this next time 😍🍋💖
Balanced eating: protein from the beans and neat if you include it. Healthy fats from the vegetable oil (usually rapeseed oil in the UK) and the avocado. Slow energy release starchy carbohydrate from the potatoes. Lots of lovely fibre from the beans and veggies 😍
#milkfree #soyafree #nutfree #balancedeating #weaning #babyfood #toddlerfood #familyfood #easymeal #veggie (option) #dietitian #registereddietitian